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Delivery Service Weilheim

Free delivery to many more locations: 

Weilheim (15€*) 
Polling, Wielenbach (20€*) 
Oberhausen, Eberfing (25€*)
Pühl, Huglfing (35€*)
Peißenberg, Wessobrunn (40€*)

*A minimum order quantity applies


Order online here or if you prefer to order by phone, give us a call:

+49 (0) 881 2620

La Galleria Ristorante

Italian Restaurant Weilheim

Owner:       Giuseppe Baldini

Address:    Prälatenweg 2,

                   82362 Weilheim


+49 (0) 881 2620


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The Tripadvisor Traveler's Choice
La Galleria the best seafood

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